Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Motivational Quote of the Day


"...If you are going to achieve success, you will do so only by extraordinary effort, effort that most people are not will to make."
-Napoleon Hill

This is quote is from a book called Keys to Success, written by Napoleon Hill. In my opinion, Napoleon Hill is the best author on personal development, feel free to disagree. In his book, Keys to Success, he outlines many aspects of what makes or break your chances of succeeding in achieving whatever success you desire. For example, he talks about the importance of having and maintaining a positive mental attitude, Self-discipline, accurate thinking and many other very useful topics.

The bottom line is, whether or not you have a sense of where you want to be in life , you will do yourself a great favor by spending $30-$40 on a book that will pay you many times over, in the short and longterm. You can even borrow it at your local library for FREE!

Y a H a Y a Recommends :

Napoleon Hill's "Keys To Success" & "Think and Grow Rich"

Have a great day and follow your guts!

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Stay tuned for tomorrow’s inspirational quote of the day!
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