Sunday, March 21, 2010

10 Ten Ways to Stay Positively Motivated

This is the continuation of the ten ways to stay positively motivated...

6. Watch Inspirational Movie(s): This is by far one of the best ways to keep motivated. You are entertained and you have a visual momery of what scenes in the movie. You can easily relate to the movie or at least most of them and more often than not they are not boring the second time your watch them. Great movies to start with, to name a few, are The Pursuit of Happyness, Remember the Taitans, The Prince of Egypt, Lumumba, and many more.
7. Read an inspirational Poem: This is very good because they are often very personal and easy to relate to. You can find many hundreds of these out there with a simple search on google and best of all they all mostly FREE!

8. Reward yourself: It is very hard to stay positively motivated especially in an environment where there are alot of negatively. When you achieve a small or big part of your goal...REWARD yourself for your effort. This the easiest way to get you to do more towards your goal and you will feel good about yourself all over again. It is a circle that keeps on giving!

9. Find yourself a mentor: A mentor is a person whom you look up to whether or not you know them or whether they are living or dead. Having this person as your role model with help you set a good tone for yourself because you have their example to follow. This is a major source of inspiration.

10. Motivational Quote of the Day: The last and the best Way to Stay Positively Motivated is to read a motivational quote each morning before you start your day. This is because it gives you a source of inspiration from many different walks of life. More often than not, you will find that most of the motivational or inspirational quotes your read will relate to you and your life in one way or the other. After all they have the wisdom of the authors triumphs and success in Life!

Feel free to follow my blog, ``Yahaya`s Quote of the day`` at to receive FREE motivational quote of the day to help you stay positively motivated.

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